Archaic finnish song meets flamencodance

"Most spectacular was the Finnish Anna Fält
and Pia Pohjakallios performance."
”I'm still completely taken by your performance...
...That I got to experience something like this!”
A surprisingly obvious meeting of two direct, strong expressions with their roots in folkloric traditions.
Vocals, composing:
Anna Fält
Dance, choreography:
Pia Pohjakallio
Light design:
Madeleine Lind Hoppe
¡RÅ! is a 40 minutes journey through womens lives.
There are moments of happiness, freedom, frustation and melancholy, captivating incantations and spells, vulnerable, tender singing and susceptible dance as beautiful as they can be.
The ancient Finnish song lyrics tell about womens lives as they were before and to some extent still are today. How was a mothers, grannys or sisters life back at old times and what has changed? Who were this heroes of everyday life? Who is the girl or the woman who didn ́t deserve her place in epic tales?
So far ¡RÅ! has been performed in different forms in theathres, festivals and even clubs around Sweden and Finland.
Contact us for full press-kit/technical information!
FOTO: Jerry Pedersen
¡RÅ! is planning for Big Things in 2024 - keep yourself posted through our social media accounts
¡RÅ! 10 years jubileum in 2023 was celebrated
@SITE/specific Festival in Farsta
¡RÅ! played a bunch of concerts in the open air during the pandemic-years creating new versions for the show
¡RÅ! NOMINATED TO "ÅRETS TVÄRSPEL", "YEARS CROSSOVER"-award at Folk & Världsmusikgalan 2015
"Original, stong and surprising.”
”Pia and Anna have in an unexpected seamless way brought together two distinct traditions without any loss of strength in either of the expressions used. They highlight long-ago forgottens texts from the lives of ordinary women. The artistic level is so high that the audience is alternately holding their breath, alternately sighting during the 40 or so minutes of the performance - dispite the stripped down forms of expression
of clean, honest and RAW power.”
”A fantastically enthraling performance. Beautiful and original.”